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The Saberpeep Continuum

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Longest Work in Progress

I've been working lately on a redesign of my earliest robot designs.

When I was first starting out in Sketchup I designed a military robot with enough weapons to supply a small army, and a stance that insured that the first step it took would send it falling to the floor, right onto its over sized head.

Here is what It looked like originally:

And now after a great deal of work in Sketchup and Blender...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Outrageously 80s

Finished a new piece. This time I've composited a bunch of stock photos together. I tried to do something in the style of Farcry3: Blood Dragon, with that whole over the top 80s retro feel.
Saberpeep on Deviantart
Overall I am very happy with how this turned out, very close to my original idea.